Welcome to Sports Med Res’ this week in review podcast where we highlight the news in sports medicine research from the week ending on October 08, 2020. This week’s podcast focused on depressive symptoms among athletes and after a concussion.
* Could Depression Be an Acute Condition Following Concussion?
* High School Student Suicidality Rate is Already Too High, But Concussions Make It Worse
* Decision Making in Treatment after a First Time Anterior Glenohumeral Dislocation-A Delphi Approach by the Neer Circle of the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons
* Improving Concussion Education: Consensus from the NCAA-Department of Defense Mind Matters Research & Education Grand Challenge
* Sports Psychiatry: An Update and the Emerging Role of the Sports Psychiatrist on the Sports Medicine Team
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Mental Health must be addressed ASAP. CAN BE DEADLY CONSEWUENCES.