Take a Dunk if You Want, But Don’t Expect More

Take a Dunk if You Want, But Don’t Expect More

Effects of cold-water immersion compared with other recovery modalities on athletic performance following acute strenuous exercise in physically active participants: A systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regresssion. Moore E, Fuller JT, Bellenger CR, Saunders...
Ice, (M)Ice, Maybe?

Ice, (M)Ice, Maybe?

Icing after Eccentric Contraction-Induced Muscle Damage Perturbs the Disappearance of Necrotic Muscle Fibers and Phenotypic Dynamis of Macrophages in Mice. Masato K, Kawanishi N, Tominaga T, Miyazaki A, Nagata I, Miyoshi M, Miyakawa M, Sakuraya T, Sonomura T, &...