Too Much Glute (Max) and Not Enough Reach

Too Much Glute (Max) and Not Enough Reach

Ultrasound Imaging of the Gluteal Muscles During the Y-Balance Test in Individuals With or Without Chronic Ankle Instability DeJong AF, Mangum LC, & Hertel J.  J Athl Train. 2020 55(1):49-57. doi: 10.4085/1062-6050-363-18. Full Text Freely Available Take-Home...

Don’t Delay, Act(ivate) Now

Altered trunk muscle recruitment patterns during lifting in individuals in remission from recurrent low back pain Suehiro T, Ishida H, Kobara K, Osaka H, Watanabe S. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2018 ahead of print. ...