Mental health issues and psychological factors in athletes: detection, management, effect on performance and prevention: American Medical Society for Sports Medicine Position Statement-Executive Summary
Chang C, Putukian M, Aerni G, Diamond A, Hong G, Ingram Y, Reardon CL, Wolanin A. Br J Sports Med. 2019 Dec 6. pii: bjsports-2019-101583. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2019-101583. [Epub ahead of print]
“The American Medical Society for Sports Medicine convened a panel of experts to provide an evidence-based, best practices document to assist sports medicine physicians and other members of the athletic care network with the detection, treatment and prevention of mental health issues in competitive athletes.” The statement covers an array of topics including personality issues, sexuality and gender issues, hazing, bullying, sexual misconduct, transition from sport, eating disorders, depression and suicide, anxiety and stress, as well as several other psychological challenges/issues.