Intravenous fluids and their use in sport: A position statement from the Australian Institute of Sport
Pomroy S, Lovell G, Hughes D, Vlahovich N. J Sci Med Sport. 2019 Nov 5. pii: S1440-2440(19)30774-1. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2019.10.020. [Epub ahead of print].
The Australian Institute of Sport released a position statement on intravenous fluids in sport. “This position statement seeks to assist clinicians by providing evidence-based and ethically justified guidelines for the use of IV fluids in elite sport.” The authors discuss World Anti-Doping Agency regulations, types of intravenous fluids (including potential risks, when they should be used), severe dehydration (including diagnosis, treatment), exertional heat illness, trauma in sport, and administration of medications.