Canadian Urological Association Best Practice Report: Sports and the solitary kidney – What primary caregivers of a young child with a single kidney should know (2019 update)

Psooy K, Franc-Guimond J, Kiddoo D, Lorenzo A, MacLellan D. Can Urol Assoc J. 2019 Oct;13(10):315-317. doi: 10.5489/cuaj.6118.

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The Canadian Urological Association has updated its guidelines on sports and the child with a single kidney. The document was updated after a review of the literature from 2014 to January 2019 and the latest position statements from some North American pediatric medical societies. The 3-page report is concise and offers a short summary at the end.

View 210 other recent position statements, consensus statements, guidelines, and recommendations related to sports medicine.