Canadian Academy of Sport and Exercise Medicine Position Paper: Abuse, Harassment, and Bullying in Sport
Stirling AE, Bridges EJ, Cruz EL, Mountjoy ML. Clin J Sport Med. 2011 Sep;21(5):385-91.
Click for Link to Full Text of Position Statement
Click for Link to Full Text of Discussion Paper
The Canadian Academy of Sport and Exercise Medicine has released have a new position statement regarding abuse, harassment, and bullying in sports.
“…the objective of this document is to review current literature on the problems of abuse, harassment, and bullying in Canadian sport. More specifically, this discussion article seeks to provide the medical community with the knowledge to appropriately identify and address cases of abuse, harassment, and bullying. As well, recommendations are proposed for the potential role of sport medicine professionals in the prevention of abuse, harassment, and bullying in sport.”
For a full list of Canadian Academy of Sport and Exercise Medicine Position Statements please visit:
The biggest benefit of an article like this comes with the clarity of definitions that the authors provided. In sensitive subjects like harassment and bullying it has been easy for the positions of authority to rationalize their own behavior in addition to the behavior of players in their charge. The identification of situations is clearly defined and additionally provides a concise method for dealing with such instances. It is good to see position stands like this one getting a spotlight.
Hi Justin: I absolutely agree. While we often see psychosocial issues in sports medicine (like harassment/bullying) we often don't give these issues enough attention. It's definitely nice to see someone shining a spotlight on these issues. The SMR group is hoping to have more posts about psychosocial issues in the near future because it is definitely an area that deserves more attention. Thanks!