Consensus statement on return to sport from the First World Congress in Sports
Physical Therapy, Bern.
Ardern CL, Glasgow P, Schneiders A,
Witvrouw E, Clarsen B, Cools A, Gojanovic B, Griffin S, Khan KM, Moksnes H,
Mutch SA, Phillips N, Reurink G, Sadler R, Grävare Silbernagel K, Thorborg K,
Wangensteen A, Wilk KE, Bizzini M. Br J Sports Med. 2016 May 25. pii:
bjsports-2016-096278. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2016-096278. [Epub ahead of print]
The First World Congress in Sports
Physical Therapy aimed “to present the current evidence and guidelines in areas
where sports medicine clinicians (particularly physiotherapists and physicians)
play a major role in helping athletes RTS [return to sport] after injury or
surgery”. The document includes 4 main sections: defining return to sport,
models to help understand and guide the return to sport process, what evidence
do we have to inform to inform the clinician’s contribution to the shared return
to sport decision, and return to sport research priorities and future