Tape (or Wait) for Stabilizers to Activate

Effects of Scapular Taping on the Activity Onset of Scapular Muscles and the Scapular Kinematics in Volleyball Players with Rotator Cuff Tendinopahy Leong HT, Ng GY, & Fu SN.  J Sci Med Sport. 2016; Accepted for publication October 21, 2016. doi:...

Minor Scapular Asymmetries May be Normal

Dominance effect on scapula 3-dimensional posture and kinematics in healthy male and female populations Schwartz C, Croisier JL, Rigaux E, Denoel V, Bruls O, Forthomme B. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2013: S1058-2746(13)00449-7....