Institute of Sport and the Australian Paralympic Committee Position Statement:
Urinary Tract Infection in Spinal Cord Injured Athletes
Institute of Sport and the Australian Paralympic Committee Position Statement:
Urinary Tract Infection in Spinal Cord Injured Athletes
Compton S, Trease L, Cunningham C,
Hughes D. Br J Sports Med.
Hughes D. Br J Sports Med.
The Australian Institute of Sport and
Australian Paralympic Committee has released a position statement regarding
urinary tract infection in spinal cord injured athletes. The statement covers
asymptomatic bacteriuria and dipstick testing, diagnosis of urinary tract
infections, management of urinary tract infection, and prevention of urinary
tract infection.
Australian Paralympic Committee has released a position statement regarding
urinary tract infection in spinal cord injured athletes. The statement covers
asymptomatic bacteriuria and dipstick testing, diagnosis of urinary tract
infections, management of urinary tract infection, and prevention of urinary
tract infection.