Statement of the Arthroscopy Association of Canada (AAC) Concerning Arthroscopy
of the Knee Joint-September 2017.
Arthroscopy Association of Canada, Wong
I, Hiemstra L, Ayeni OR, Getgood A, Beavis C, Volesky M, Outerbridge R, Sheehan
B, McCormack R, Litchfield R, Whelan D, Mohtadi N, Coady C, MacDonald PB. Orthop
J Sports Med. 2018 Feb 26;6(2):2325967118756597. doi: 10.1177/2325967118756597.
eCollection 2018 Feb.
The Arthroscopy Association of Canada
has released a position statement intended to outline current best practice
guidelines for the role of arthroscopy of knees, “taking into consideration the
available evidence as well as the clinical knowledge of experienced surgeons”. This
statement is “virtually identical to that of the Australian Knee Society on arthroscopic surgery of the knee and consistent
with consensus statements published in Europe.” The document offers 8 conclusions
and a partial list of abnormalities that may coexist with osteoarthritis and warrant
arthroscopic surgery. The document also defined degenerative meniscal tear
discuss comprehensive nonoperative management of osteoarthritis and imaging of
the atraumatic painful knee.

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other recent position statements, consensus statements, guidelines, and
recommendations related to sports medicine.