IOC consensus statement on recommendations and regulations for sport events in the heat
Racinais S, Hosokawa Y, Akama T, Bermon S, Bigard X, Casa DJ, Grundstein A, Jay O, Massey A, Migliorini S, Mountjoy M, Nikolic N, Pitsiladis YP, Schobersberger W, Steinacker JM, Yamasawa F, Zideman DA, Engebretsen L, Budgett R. Br J Sports Med. 2022 Sep 23:bjsports-2022-105942. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2022-105942. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36150754.
“This document presents the recommendations developed by the IOC Medical and Scientific Commission and several international federations (IF) on the protection of athletes competing in the heat.” The document covers recommendations for risk mitigation by organizers and athletes, medical service and management considerations, and guideline for risk analyses and policy development by the international federations. It also includes an exertional heat stroke prehospital management on-site preparation and training checklist.