Kroshus E, Ackerman KE, Brown M, Griffin P, Durden L, Merrill J, Wilson A, Hainline B. Br J Sports Med. 2023 Mar 20:bjsports-2022-106392. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2022-106392. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36941052.
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“The NCAA Summit on Gender Identity and Student–Athlete Participation (Summit) was convened with the goal of identifying concrete and feasible steps to support well-being among TGNC [trans and gender nonconforming] student–athletes participating in collegiate athletics in the USA. The Summit purview did not include changes to sport setting eligibility policies. The purpose of this manuscript is to detail the process and results of the Summit.” The proposed final strategies for consideration by NCAA member institutions included healthcare (3 statements), education (8 statements), and administration (4 statements). A table provides a nice summary of these strategies. A second table outlines concepts to “consider to improve inclusion and/or well-being of NCAA TGNC student-athletes.”