of the 2017 Berlin Concussion in Sport Group Consensus Statement in contact and
collision sports: a joint position statement from 11 national and international
sports organisations
Jon S Patricios, Clare L Ardern, Michael
David Hislop, Mark Aubry, Paul Bloomfield, Carolyn Broderick, Patrick Clifton,
Ruben J Echemendia, Richard G Ellenbogen, Éanna Cian Falvey, Gordon Ward Fuller,
Julie Grand, Dallas Hack, Peter Rex Harcourt, David Hughes, Nathan McGuirk,
Willem Meeuwisse, Jeffrey Miller, John T Parsons, Simona Richiger, Allen Sills,
Kevin B Moran, Jenny Shute, Martin Raftery. Br J Sports Med.
In July 2017, representatives from 10
sports and 11 sports governing bodies/federations met to examine, develop and
implement practical, sport-specific strategies for diagnosing and managing
concussion across varying ages and levels of participation. Major sections of
the consensus statement cover defining and diagnosing concussion, using video technology,
return to sport recommendations, independence in the concussion management
process, practical implementation and translation of concussion management protocols,
as well as concussion awareness and education.