Imaging in scrotal trauma: a European Society of Urogenital Radiology Scrotal and Penile Imaging Working Group (ESUR-SPIWG) position statement
Ramanathan S, Bertolotto M, Freeman S, Belfield J, Derchi LE, Huang DY, Lotti F, Markiet K, Nikolic O, Ramchandani P, Richenberg J, Rocher L, Sidhu PS, Skrobisz K, Tsili A, De Visschere P, Campo I, Kozak O, Dogra V. Eur Radiol. 2021 Jan 15. doi: 10.1007/s00330-020-07631-w. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33449189.
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The European Society of Urogenital Radiology has a published 20 position statements on imaging in scrotal imaging. The authors discuss blunt trauma (e.g., injury related to sports), penetrating trauma, and degloving. Key sections include anatomy, mechanism and type of trauma, ultrasound imaging, role of CT and MRI, testicular rupture, intratesticular haematomas, testicular dislocation, and post-traumatic torsion.