agreement meeting on terminology and definitions in groin pain in athletes
agreement meeting on terminology and definitions in groin pain in athletes
Weir A, Brukner P, Delahunt E, Ekstrand
J, Griffin D, Khan KM, Lovell G, Meyers WC, Muschaweck U, Orchard J, Paajanen H,
Philippon M, Reboul G, Robinson P, Schache AG, Schilders E, Serner A, Silvers H,
Thorborg K, Tyler T, Verrall G, de Vos R, Vuckovic Z, Hölmich P. Br J Sports Med 2015;49:768-74.
J, Griffin D, Khan KM, Lovell G, Meyers WC, Muschaweck U, Orchard J, Paajanen H,
Philippon M, Reboul G, Robinson P, Schache AG, Schilders E, Serner A, Silvers H,
Thorborg K, Tyler T, Verrall G, de Vos R, Vuckovic Z, Hölmich P. Br J Sports Med 2015;49:768-74.
The British
Journal of Sports Medicine has published new consensus recommendations on terminology
and definitions in groin pain in athletes. The authors offer a summary of the
epidemiology of groin injuries in soccer, risk factors for groin injuries in
athletes, factors associated with hip and groin pain in athletes, diagnostic
accuracy of clinical tests for hip-related groin pain, imaging in long-standing
groin pain in athletes, patient-reported outcome measures for athletes with hip
and groin pain, treatment of groin injuries in athletes, prevention of groin
injuries in athletes, and return to sports after hip surgery for
femoroacetabular impingement in athletes. The authors defined a clinical
classification system that consists of defined clinical entities for groin pain
(e.g., adductor-related pain), hip-related groin pain, and other causes of
groin pain.
Journal of Sports Medicine has published new consensus recommendations on terminology
and definitions in groin pain in athletes. The authors offer a summary of the
epidemiology of groin injuries in soccer, risk factors for groin injuries in
athletes, factors associated with hip and groin pain in athletes, diagnostic
accuracy of clinical tests for hip-related groin pain, imaging in long-standing
groin pain in athletes, patient-reported outcome measures for athletes with hip
and groin pain, treatment of groin injuries in athletes, prevention of groin
injuries in athletes, and return to sports after hip surgery for
femoroacetabular impingement in athletes. The authors defined a clinical
classification system that consists of defined clinical entities for groin pain
(e.g., adductor-related pain), hip-related groin pain, and other causes of
groin pain.