Kinetic chain revisited: Consensus expert opinion on terminology, clinical reasoning, examination and treatment in people with shoulder pain
Lluch-Girbés E, Requejo-Salinas N, Fernández-Matías R, Revert E, Vila Mejías M, Rezende Camargo P, Jaggi A, Sciascia A, Horsley I, Pontillo M, Gibson J, Richardson E, Johansson F, Maenhout A, Oliver GD, Turgut E, Jayaraman C, Düzgün I, Borms D, Ellenbecker T, Cools A. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2023 Feb 14:S1058-2746(23)00082-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jse.2023.01.018. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36796714.
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An international panel developed a consensus on 102 items related to terminology, clinical reasoning, examining (subjective and physical), and treatment of the kinetic chain in people with shoulder pain.