Appropriate Medical Care Standards for Organizations Sponsoring Athletic Activity for the Secondary School-Aged Athlete: A Summary Statement.
Cooper L, Harper R, Wham GS Jr, Cates J, Chafin SJ Jr, Cohen RP, Dompier TP, Huggins RA, Newman D, Peterson B, McLeod TCV. J Athl Train. 2019 May 28. doi: 10.4085/1062-6050-544-18. [Epub ahead of print]
A new task force has reviewed the 2004 Appropriate Medical Care for Secondary School-Aged Athlete consensus points and updated them based on the latest evidence. The new appropriate medical care standards were approved by the NATA Board of Directors in 2018. The authors address 12 standards and highlights an online toolkit to help schools and organizations address the standards included in this document.