Addressing Mental Health Needs of NCAA Student-Athletes of Colour: Foundational Concepts From The NCAA Summit On Diverse Student-Athlete Mental Health And Well-Being
Kroshus E, Coakley S, Conway D, et al. British Journal of Sports Medicine Published Online First: 07 September 2022. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2022-105891
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As part of the NCAA’s Summit on Diverse Student-Athlete Mental Health and Well-Being, experts developed a consensus statement to identify concepts that may facilitate NCAA efforts to assist member institutions in addressing the mental health needs of student-athletes of colour. The authors offered a scoping review regarding help-seeking, treatment preferences, response to discrimination, patient-clinician relationships, as well as norms and stigma. They also provide a box listing proposed concepts that may be leveraged by NCAA member institutions to support the mental health needs of racial minority student-athletes.