Stick to the Plan….and Yes, You Should have a Plan.

Stick to the Plan….and Yes, You Should have a Plan.

High schools continue to struggle to adopt evidence based practices for the management of exertional heat stroke. Scarneo-Miller SE, Lopez RM, Miller KC, Adams WM, Kerr ZY, Casa DJ. J Athl Train. 2021 Feb 24. doi: 10.4085/361-20. [Epub ahead of print]Full Text Freely...
Cool States Need to Prepare For The Heat

Cool States Need to Prepare For The Heat

Exertional Heat-Stroke Preparedness in High School Football by Region and State Mandate Presence Kerr ZY, Scarneo-Miller SE, Yeargin SW, Grundstein AJ, Casa DJ, Pryor RR, & Register-Mihalik JK. Exertional Heat-Stroke Preparedness in High School Football by Region...